Fasting FAQ

Why Should I Fast?

Fasting has been shown to increase metabolic function. It gives the body a chance to heal. You will burn fat.

Who Can Fast?

How Long Can I Fast?

What Are The Benefits of Fasting?

What Electrolytes Do I Need While Fasting?

What Studies Show the Benefits of Fasting?

Does Coffee Break My Fast?

What is Autophagy?

What is Ketosis?

What Should I Break My Fast With?

Does Tea Break My Fast?

Does Fasting Put You In Starvation Mode?

Will I Lose Muscle On A Fast?

Do Zero Calorie Sodas Break My Fast?

What Breaks My Fast?

What Is Intermittent Fasting?

Do I Need to Supplement While Intermittent Fasting?

Do I Need To Take A Multivitamin While Fasting?

What's the Longest Anyone Has Ever Fasted?

Is There A Video That Explains Fasting?

Check Out Dr. Jason Fung's Lecture Series: The Aetiology of Obesity (linked below)